Company profile
Company profile
Shenzhen Jenkent Electronics Technology Co., Ltd is a busbar deisgn an...
List of cases / case More>>
  • 2019 - 04 - 17
    Trunk busbar system is made of copper or aluminium as conduc...
  • 2019 - 03 - 25
    Laminated busbar is an electrical busbar with insulated mult...
  • 2019 - 03 - 18
  • 2019 - 03 - 01
    Dec. 29th. 2016. 1st 5-star power charging station of Beijin...
  • News Center / case More +
  • Jane25th, 2018 annual dinner with all employees, photo shows...
    2019 - 05 - 20
  • Aug.8-19 outward bounding at Huizhou, another city besides S...
    2019 - 05 - 20
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